Specialization Courses

Specialization Courses

   * The course is taught in English.
A student must successfully attend a number of postgraduate specialization courses selected by the Postgraduate Program of Studies of the interdepartmental program that will ensure the minimum number of ECTS credits according to the requirements of each program. Cited below there is a list of specialization courses that is typically offered over time (not all courses are available in the same semester or in the same year). An indicative timetable of the present semester is posted on the ETSD Program web site. Note that because of the wide and varied offering of courses within the interdepartmental program, part-time students should have in mind that a limited number of courses are offered during the morning and midday hours.

List of Specialization Courses (Compulsory)

  • ECE 687:Building Integration of Photovoltaic (PV) (8 ECTS)*
  • CEE 536: Energy Efficiency of Buildings (8 ECTS)
  • POL 800: Research Methodologies (8 ECTS)*
    (Only for M.Sc. Students)
  • ΠΟΛ 700: Εμπλοκή με την Επαγγελματική Πρακτική και Βιομηχανία (1 ECTS)
  • POL 604: Advanced Project: Capstone Design & Research Project I (8 ΕCTS)
  • POL 704Advanced Project: Capstone Design & Research Project II (8 ΕCTS)
  • POL 804: Advanced Project: Capstone Design & Research Project III (8 ΕCTS)
  • ΠΟΛ 601: Μεταπτυχιακό Σεμινάριο (1 ECTS)
  • POL 500: Basic Principles of Interdisciplinary Engineering (1 ECTS)- Prerequisite

List of Elective Courses

  • ARH 539: Advanced Topics in Architectural Technology (8 ECTS)
  • ARH 549: Advanced Topics in Urban Planning (8 ECTS)
  • ARH 550: Special Topics of Recording and Documenting Building and Sites (8 ECTS)
  • ECE 680: Power System Analysis (8 ECTS) *
  • ECE 681: Power System Operation and Control (8 ECTS) *
  • ECE 685: Power System Plant and Operation (8 ECTS) *
  • ECE 686: Power System Modeling (8 ECTS) *
  •  ECE 688: Operation and Economics of Sustainable Power Systems (8 ECTS)*
  • MME 512: Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics (8 ECTS) *
  • ΜΜΕ 517: Solar Energy Systems(8 ECTS) *
  • MME 566: Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Nanodevices (8 ECTS) *
  • CEE 580: Dynamics of Atmosphere and Air Pollution Dispersion (8 ECTS) *
  • CEE 586: Sustainable Built Environment (8 ECTS) *
  • CEE 596: Marine and Wind Energy (8 ECTS) *
  • CEE 598: Biotechnological production of biofuels and bioenergy (8 ECTS) *
  • POL 800: Research Methodologies (8 ECTS)*
    (Only for M.Eng. Students)

Detailed Description of Specialized Graduate Courses

* The course is taught in English.

This section includes detailed descriptions of specialization courses with course code POL. It is clarified that for some courses it is expected in the future to make some changes in the program and in the description of the courses in order to further improve them.

ARH 538 – Environmental Building Design (8 ECTS)

This course aims to deepen the theoretical and applied knowledge of students on the Environmental Design of Buildings and to highlight the role of the architectural design, construction and appropriate technical support in order to ensure proper living conditions for the users of a building; minimizing energy consumption and reducing adverse environmental impacts. The course coversissues concerning the Bioclimatic Architecture which aims to improve the comfort conditions of users – thermal, visual, acoustic comfort, air quality – in the indoor built environment; issues that have to do with energy design aiming to the minimization of energy consumption of the building envelope as well as issues of ecological construction regarding the minimization of the ecological footprint.
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ARH 539 – Advanced Topics in Architectural Technology (8 ECTS)

Το μάθημα επικεντρώνεται στις βασικές αρχές του ενεργειακού σχεδιασμού σύγχρονων κτηριακών κελυφών. Έμφαση δίνεται στους μηχανισμούς μετάδοσης θερμότητας, στις βασικές αρχές περιβαλλοντικού σχεδιασμού (αερισμός, φωτισμός κλιματική προσαρμογή) καθώς και στην ένταξη τεχνικών συστημάτων και τεχνολογιών ΑΠΕ σε διπλοκέλυφες κτηριακές εφαρμογές. Στόχος είναι η εφαρμογή της σχεδιαστικής προσέγγισης με γνώμονα την ενέργεια, εμπλουτίζοντας το μορφολογικό αποτέλεσμα υψηλά αποδοτικών κτηριακών κελυφών.

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ARH 549 – Advanced Topics in Urban Planning (8 ECTS)

Subjects in this course will vary according to emerging students’ needs or requests and the faculty’s educational and research interests. The coursework consists of a workshop and a survey course based on best practices in sustainable urban design and development, with a particular focus on the challenges facing the Eastern Mediterranean region. The coursework is organized in the form of a workshop and includes thematic presentations, the analysis of cases studies, role playing and visioning exercises and a final master-planning exercise in a location to be specified by the instructor.

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ARH 550 - Special Topics of Recording and Documenting Building and Sites (8 ECTS)

It provides fundamental and specialized knowledge of recording and documenting buildings and building sites through the use of traditional/conventional and contemporary digital methods. It introduces technologies that address issues of spatial organization, morphology and construction of buildings and building sites as well as their 3D representation and documentation in the digital environment. It also addresses the recording and analysis of comfort conditions and energy efficiency of buildings and the recording of external environmental data. Among others, it addresses the recording of operational characteristics and / or specific comfort requirements of the buildings in question and includes the quantitative recording and analysis of parameters for determining thermal and visual comfort conditions.

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ECE 680: Power System Analysis (8 ECTS) *

The course provides basic and advanced concepts of power system analysis. Development of analytical skills to perform analysis of power systems. Analyze balanced and unbalanced systems using symmetrical components. Study transformers and per unit sequence models, transmission line modeling, power flow solution techniques, bus impedance and admittance matrices, power system stability. Projects and term papers to develop a deep understanding of the operation of power systems so that the students are well prepared to enter the workforce as network engineers or to perform research in this area.

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ECE 681 – Power System Operation and Control (8 ECTS)*

Basic principles of generation and control in power systems. Economic dispatch, unit commitment, automatic generation control. Linear and dynamic programming and solution of problems. Steam and hydro units, fuel scheduling, production costing, observability, state estimation, power flow, deregulationECE 685 – Power System Plant and Operation (8 ECTS).

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ECE 685 – Power System Plant and Operation (8 ECTS)*

Introduction to the overall design of power plant systems, focusing both on the system and on the component design. Overview of the manufacturing, operation, and thermal aspects of systems and the decisions necessary to deduce an optimal power plant design. Specific concepts: Overhead Transmission Lines: Design and Operation, Underground Power Cables: Design and Operation, Power Transformers: Design and Operation, Technical and Economical Assessments of Power Systems, Earthing and Bonding.

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ECE 686: Power System Modeling (8 ECTS) *

Prerequisite ECE 685

A number of events and challenges exacerbated at the onset of the 21st century as well as future challenges requires thorough understanding of the operating principles and main features of a Power System Plant which is fundamentally important to power engineers. The module embraces the following simulation-based exercises: Overhead line design and parameter evaluation; thermal rating of HV underground power cables; electric field stress on the Insulation Material on power cables through Finite element modelling; modelling of non-linear properties of transformers’ core characteristics and design; losses evaluation on transformer structural components under saturation conditions. Final comprehensive exercise (real case scenario).

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HMY 687 Κτιριακή ενσωμάτωση φωτοβολταϊκών συστημάτων(PV) - Στοχεύοντας σε Κτήρια με σχεδόν Μηδενική Κατανάλωση Ενέργειας (8 ECTS)*

Introductory graduate-level course on building integration of photovoltaics (BIPV) in a Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) context. Review of current policy, directives, regulation, and goals on building energy efficiency and NZEBs. Available advanced components, technologies, tools, systems, techniques, and theories in modeling a building for achieving NZEB design and incorporating BIPV. Calculation of the size and cost of a system to offset building energy use. Study of smart systems for energy management and grid integration: monitoring consumption, RES generation, and environmental conditions are included, as well as case studies of smart meter projects.

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ΜΜΚ 512 -Προχωρημένη Θερμοδυναμική για Μηχανικούς (8 ECTS)*

Thermodynamic analysis of engineering systems, emphasizing systematic methodology for application of basic principles. Introduction to availability analysis. Thermodynamics of gas mixtures and air-conditioning applications. Modern computational equations of state. Thermodynamic design software. Thermodynamics of biological systems. Introduction to compressible flow.

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ΜΜΚ 516 - Τεχνολογία Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών Ενέργειας (8 ECTS)*

The energy problem: "consumption" and "sources" of energy. Mineral resources and conventional technologies: nuclear, oil, gas and coal combustion. Historical development & current status of energy generation and storage technologies worldwide, in Europe and locally. RES technologies: Towards a sustainable energy future, short and long-term prospects. Methods to predict the potential and annual energy yield. Wind potential, wind turbines and performance. Solar geometry and solar potential. Solar-thermal and photovoltaic systems. Passive and active solar-thermal systems. Bio-climatic architecture. Hydroelectric power. Biomass systems. Geothermal potential and technologies. "Blue" energy systems: potential estimation, energy from tides, waves and currents. Hydrogen and fuel cells.
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MME 566 - Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Nanodevices (8 ECTS)*

Introduction to semiconductors, Intrinsic, n-type and p-type; Carrier transport, Hall effect, resistivity, photoconductivity, The infinite quantum well, 3D DOS, Fermi Dirac Statistics, carrier concentration, law of mass action. Temperature dependence of carrier density, mobility, scattering mechanisms. Energy band diagrams, Fermi level and temperature dependence. The p-n junction in equilibrium, forward and reverse bias in the dark and light; The p-n junction photovoltaic device, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, efficiency, fill factor, I- V characteristic, fabrication of p-n junctions. Derivation of 2D and 1D DOS, quantum wells, wires and dots. Nanowires, VLS growth, axial and core-shell, nanowire device fabrication, nanowire solar cells.

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CEE 536 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings (8 ECTS)

Basic Principles of Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Methodology of Energy Analysis, Steady and Unsteady Heat Transfer in Two- and Three-dimensional Analysis of Structural Materials and Components with Conduction, Convection and Radiation, Prerequisites of Energy Efficiency, Materials for Thermal Insulation, Simulation Methodsfor Energy Efficiency, Certification, European and Cypriot Standards and Codes for Energy Efficiency, Assessment of Energy Efficiency, Optimized Technologies for Energy EfficientDesign, Passive Cooling andHeating, Case Studies in Buildings(residential, offices, organizations etc.).

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CEE 580 – Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Air Pollution Dispersion (8 ECTS)

Μετεωρολογία και Δομή της Ατμόσφαιρας. Μετεωρολογικά φαινόμενα ως συμβάντα Δυναμικής της Ατμόσφαιρας: καιρός-κλίμα-κλιματική αλλαγή, άνεμος, ανεμοστρόβιλος, βροχόπτωση, τυφώνες, επεισόδια σκόνης, φαινόμενο El Niño. Ατμοσφαιρική Ρύπανση: Πηγές και Μηχανισμοί Διάχυσης. Τυρβώδεις ατμοσφαιρικές ροές. Πίδακες και ανωστικά πλούμια στην ατμόσφαιρα. Ατμοσφαιρική χημεία. Ερευνητικά και επιχειρησιακά μοντέλα προσομοίωσης διασποράς αέριας ρύπανσης.

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CEE 586 – Sustainable Built Environment (8 ECTS)

Holistic approach and lateral integration of fundamental aspects and current challenges in the sustainable design of the built environment. Includes: Climate Change, Urban Physics, Environmental Pollution, Global Energy Demands, Sustainable Building Materials, Rational Water Use, Waste Management, Renewable/Alternative Energy Technologies, Perception of Human Comfort, Ecological Footprint Analysis, Legal Framework, Environmental and Operational Management & Strategies. The course also demonstrates examples of both sustainable and unsustainable aspects of current design practice of the built environment, and how international policy frameworks can act as both drivers and barriersto sustainable solutions.

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ΠΠΜ 596 - Θαλάσσια και Αιολική Ενέργεια (8 ECTS)*

Το μάθημα απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές με ενδιαφέρον για το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον και τις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας. Με επίκεντρο την παραγωγή ενέργειας από τον άνεμο και τα κύματα, ο στόχος του μαθήματος είναι να εισαγάγει τους φοιτητές στις τεχνικές, περιβαλλοντικές και, σε μικρότερο βαθμό, οικονομικές και νομοθετικές προκλήσεις του τομέα. Συγκεκριμένα:     

  1. Εξετάζεται η φυσική διακύμανση των θαλάσσιων πηγών / πόρων ανανεώσιμης ενέργειας. 
  2. Εισάγονται οι βασικές αρχές της μετατροπής ενέργειας στο θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον.
  3. Εισάγονται και αναλύονται οι βασικές αρχές σχεδιασμού των συστημάτων παραγωγής ανανεώσιμης ενέργειας στο θαλάσσιο χώρο.
  4. Εξετάζονται οι περιβαλλοντικοί και οικονομική περιορισμοί της παραγωγής ανανεώσιμης ενέργειας στο θαλάσσιο χώρο.
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POL 601 – Graduate Seminar (1 ΕCTS)

Seminar series (comprising at least 6 lectures-seminars) during the 1st semester. The seminars can be either from the student’s Department of enrolment or from other departments of the Faculty of Engineering that are recognized as «relevant to the interdepartmental program». Students can also attend any seminar within their Department of enrolment to complete the required number of seminars for the semester in case that the required number of seminars «relevant to the interdepartmental program» is not adequate.

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POL 700 - Engagement with practice and industry (1 ΕCTS)

Educational visits (4) during one academic year, to sites / organizations related to the subject of energy. thorough the visits will be provided thoroughly information on current practices, challenges, prospects and also problems in the energy industry (indicative visits include wind & photovoltaic parks, bioclimatic buildings, air quality monitoring stations of the department of labour inspection etc)

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POL 500 – Basic Principles of Interdisciplinary Engineering (1 ECTS)


Introduction to basic engineering principles and notions in order to create a basic common starting interdisciplinary background in Engineering, so that students from the different Engineering School Departments are able to take/select classes from the ETSD postgraduate program across different Departments and get introduced to the interdisciplinarity of the program. The course will be offered before the academic year starts. Duration of the course 12 hours.

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POL 800 - Research Methodologies

The course introduces students to the qualitative and quantitative methodology of research, its simulation of principles and the application of basic methods of data collection, statistical analysis, and organising. Introduction to experimental laboratory and field methodology. Introduction to computational methodology. Basic analysis of error and uncertainty. Acquisition of tools for efficient execution and presentation of completed master thesis, academic journal publication, poster presentation at conference etc

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