

The candidates for admission to the program must hold at least a recognized equivalent university degree (B.Sc.) in a relevant field of science or engineering. The candidates can submit a formal request to one or more Departments, through the Graduate School within specified deadlines (twice a year). The applications are evaluated and approved by the Board of the Department to which the application was submitted. The selection of students is based on the following criteria: School of Postgraduate Studies within predetermined dates (twice each year). Applications are evaluated and approved by the Board of the Department to which the application was submitted. The selection of students is based on the following criteria:

Quality of the candidate’s academic career, both in depth and in breadth, and past achievements in his/her Undergraduate or Graduate studies.

Indications of capability in implementing existing technologies as well as developing innovative technologies in the proposed area of study.

Moreover, for the admission to the program of study Master of Science Program MSc, the candidate students must provide indications of their ability for original and innovative research in the proposed field of study. Master of Science MSc students must provide evidence of their ability for original and innovative research in the proposed field of study.

The main objective of the program is to ensure that all the students will receive adequate and appropriate advising support throughout their studies. The advisory program is fulfilled by:

·   Academic Supervisor:Upon admission to the program and before the first day of registration, every student is assigned, or selected by himself/herself, a temporary academic supervisor from the academic staff of the interdepartmental program. The academic supervisor meets with the student before the first registration to plan the first semester of studies, helps the student to appropriately select courses and oversees his/her academic progress for the rest of his/her studies.

·   Research Supervisor: (this concerns only students who are admitted to the program Master of Science MSc). In order to carry out his/her thesis research, the student must determine a permanent project supervisor who also agrees to undertake the role of academic supervisor. The research supervisor may come from any of the School Departments, regardless of the Department of enrolment of the student. In collaboration with the research supervisor, a suitable thesis topic will be agreed as well as the rest of the student’s study plan. After submission and approval of the thesis proposal, the student, in collaboration with the research thesis supervisor, must form the thesis committee.: (concerns only students who are admitted to the program Master of Science MSc). In order to prepare his / her research dissertation, the student must appoint a permanent work advisor who agrees to take on the role of academic advisor. The research advisor can come from any Department of the School, regardless of the relevant department of the student. In collaboration with the research advisor, an appropriate dissertation topic will be agreed upon as well as the rest of the student's curriculum. After submitting and approving the dissertation proposal, the student, in collaboration with the research dissertation advisor, must form the dissertation committee.


The University of Cyprus supports several postgraduate students through teaching assistant positions, the number of which depends on the teaching needs of each department. There are also additional opportunities for funding, for which the relevant information is available from the Career Office. A number of students can also be supported financially through research programs.

Students that fulfil the requirements of the program are awarded the title of Master’s from the department from which they have been accepted. The postgraduate program in Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design has been developed based on the ECTS system, after evaluating the individual workload for each activity of each course in order to determine the total credits of each course. Each ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 25-30 hours.

The way of calculating the credits for each offered course can be described by the following example. If the students choose the course ARH 538 “Environmental Building Design”, the required weekly workload includes: 3 hours of teaching including exercises, no hour of lab and 12 hours of homework. Therefore, in total in one semester, with 13 weeks of teaching, and 1 week of study and preparation for the exams, the following work load is required:
  • Teaching : 3 x 13 = 39 hours
  • Lab : 0 x 13 = 0 hours
  • Preparation : 12 x 13 + 12 x 1 = 168 hours
Therefore, the total workload for this course is: 39 + 168 = 207 hours. Therefore, this specific course has a workload of 8 ECTS credits.
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