Master of Science, (M.Sc.)

Master of Science
(Master of Science, M.Sc.)

For the award of the Master M.Sc. degree it is required to successfully complete the program of studies that also includes the Thesis Research and the Advanced Project, as described in detail below. The minimum duration of the Master M.Sc. program for full-time students is four academic semesters. The maximum duration allowed for completion of the Master M.Sc. degree is four years, as determined by the University regulations. It is clarified that the Advanced Project «Capstone Design & Research Project » starts only every September and ends in July

Program of Studies

The workload leading to the Master M.Sc. degree requires the completion of at least 115 ECTS credits from a combination of graduate courses, seminars, advanced project and thesis research as follows:
Program ECTS
6 Specialization Courses
  • POL 500: Basic Principles of Interdisciplinary Engineering (1 ECTS)- Prerequisite Prerequisite
  • POL 800: Research Methodology (8 ECTS)
  • ARH 538: Environmental Building Design (8 ECTS)
  • ECE 687: Building Integration of Photovoltaic (PV) (8 ECTS)
  • MME 516: Renewable Energy Sources Technology (8 ECTS)
  • CEE 536: Energy Efficiency of Buildings (8 ECTS)
General Elective Courses
  • 1 Elective Courses
Advanced Project: Capstone Design & Research Project
Graduate Seminar
Engagement with Practice and Industry
Master Thesis Research


Indicative Program of the Master's Degree M.Sc.

The appropriate combination of courses, research and seminars attendance for each semester will be determined by the student in coordination with his/her academic advisor. Indicative examples of a Master of Science program of studies which can be completed in four academic semesters are presented below, provided that a student is a full-time student.

Example A: Indicative Program for Admission in September
1st semester (fall) 2nd semester (spring) Summer2
MMK 516 (mandatory) 8 ECTS ARC 538 (mandatory) 8 ECTS Advanced Project III 8 ECTS
CEE 536 (mandatory) 8 ECTS ECE 687 (mandatory) 8 ECTS
POL 800 (mandatory) 8 ECTS Graduate Seminar 1 ECTS
Advanced Project I 8 ECTS Advanced Project II 8 ECTS
Prerequisite1 1 ECTS Engagement with practice and industry 1 ECTS
Total 33 ECTS Total 26 ECTS Total 8 ECTS
3rd semester (fall) 4th semester (spring)
1 elective course 8 ECTS Master Thesis Research III 8 ECTS
Master Thesis Research I 8 ECTS Master Thesis Research IV 8 ECTS
Master Thesis Research II 8 ECTS Master Thesis Research V 8 ECTS
Total 24 ECTS Total 24 ECTS
1For the mandatory prerequisite (POL 500), students will be notified before the beginning of each academic year, for the dates and hours.
2Note that students can register up to 15 ECTS during the summer semester.
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